Yes, I've always known that Christian Science works - from the first few days that I attended a Christian Science church and heard story after story of how scientific prayer healed. And I know that I have seen and experienced healings of others - and I have experienced some transformations in my character as well.
But today, I'd like to yell from the rooftops that I have experienced my first "significant" physical healing. Praise and glory be to God, and thank Him for my freedom!
Nearly two weeks ago, I woke up and could barely move without experiencing sharp pains in my back. It seemed that every muscle tightened into one giant knot! I surely couldn't stand up straight and it seemed that I could barely stand at all without feeling painful spasms all over my back. I was confined to bed.
This isn't right, I thought. Where in the world did this come from? I writhed in pain for a little while, but I managed to get into a reasonably comfortable position and started reading the Bible Lesson and some articles out of the Anthology of Classic Articles, just to begin drinking in Truth. As I read, the thought came to me to think of my back. Matter is the counterfeit of spiritual Truth - I learned that in Christian Science. So I stopped and thought, what is the spiritual truth that the mortal back represents? The thought zipped to mind - the back is the main support system, the foundation for the mortal body.
That's it! Somehow I lost sight of my spiritual foundation. The next thought was, "All good supports me at all times." I knew that "all good" means God. God is all good, infinitely so. He is all-power, all-presence. I know that I can always lean on God, because He is always there - no matter what. The Psalmist serves a great reminder: "If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me." (Ps. 138:8-10) In other words, there is no place, no situation, no circumstance, in my life where God isn't there to help, guide, guard and govern me.
I realized that I had been expressing some apprehension about starting a new endeavor - I had a lot of questions and concerns, and I kept ruminating about risks and whether our family could afford risk, etc. All of this wondering was a form of doubt, which I learned is a belief in the absence of God.
That snapped me back (so to speak) into the spiritual, actual reality of things. I kept reading while the thought "All good supports me at all times" ran through my head constantly. All of the ruminating disappeared while I absorbed the Truth that God, all good, is supporting me at all times - every time, all the time, everywhere.
I felt a little better, but still in plenty of pain. After several hours, I resolved to go to Wednesday church that evening, so I leaned on "all good supports me at all times" as I got out of bed, got dressed and went to church. I sat up very straight in the pew and didn't move much. However my discomfort was obvious, as my father-in-law came to me afterward and said, "Has your wife been kicking you today?" We both laughed, but he quickly added, "I know you have the answer."
I went home and immediately continued working. I then called a practitioner to help me through the night, and she advised me to "know God's allness." That was exactly what we worked on for the next day - continuing to work on "all good is supporting me at all times." The sharp pains quickly receded the next morning, and the aches left shortly after that. The next thing I knew, even the tightness was gone and I had complete freedom of movement with not an ounce of discomfort at all.
I am so grateful to God for this experience, and I apologize to Him for ever expressing any doubt in Him. God, all good, is everywhere, infinitely, for all-time and in all circumstances. He is our rock, our foundation because He is the only cause and creator of the universe. There is nothing else, no other "god" - so there can never be an absence of God.
What a wonderful experience ... thank you Father-Mother, for this very important reminder!
This was so wonderful to read--I'm so happy for you to have had this healing demonstration. It supports us all--all mankind! Thank you for demanding to see the truth. :)