The Unreality of Un-God-ness

This week's Christian Science Bible Lesson, for some, will look a bit controversial. The topic this week is "Unreality," and the Lesson describes things that are unreal - including things we all perceive with our material, mortal senses.  

If you are one who accept the creation as described in the first chapter of Genesis (you know, the one that was finished BEFORE Adam and Eve come into the picture), you accept a spiritual creation by God, which created all in "His image and likeness," and everything was declared "very good" by God. So, God is infinite, is All, is spiritual, and made everything just like Him. All very good, too - which can be interpreted as "perfect."

 Spirit is something we don't necessarily see, do we? We don't actually "see" God - but we perceive Him in our lives. How? We "see" good - the sunshine, smiles, handshakes, hugs, a pay raise, food in our pantries, flowers, music, our children. However, based on the spiritual creation by God, Spirit is everywhere and is infinite - in other words, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.

Material things - those things that are not spiritual - are not created in "His image and likeness." Things that are not spiritual are material. And if they're material, they were not created by God (they were not mentioned ANYWHERE in the first chapter of Genesis). And if they're not created by God, they're not infinite, not good.

If you believe that God and his creation are real, then by extension everything of that creation - infinite, spiritual, good - is considered real. Anything NOT of God and His creation - everything limited, material, not good - is the opposite of real, or UNREAL. And when something is unreal, it is nothing - the opposite of God, All.

We are spiritual beings - we are good by nature, because God created us this way. Therefore, if we act or think un-good, we are thinking or acting un-God-like. But the un-good is just a BELIEF. We've already established that anything that is un-good is unreal - nothing. So any un-good is just a belief in our minds that un-good exists. That un-God exists. But in the Bible, "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.  For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." (I John 3:8) Notice the son of God is not destroying the devil himself, but his works. The Christ knows the unreality - the nothingness - of the devil, so it works to destroy the works - the beliefs - of the devil.

Anything we think or act that is outside of God - anything evil, limiting, selfish, including a belief in material things - is a "work of the devil." But if we know that the devil isn't real, then we can understand that the belief is also unreal.

We can understand - and in fact, it's inherent in us already - that there is unreality in un-God-ness.

1 comment:

  1. So nicely said! Thanks, David :) ~Erin


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