A (Meta) Physics Lesson

The theme of my work today revolves around the physics principle of cause and effect. For every cause, there is an effect.

It's come up in my thought today because we all get caught up in many different causes in life - Eating a lot of food causes me to get fat, not getting enough sleep causes me to be tired during the day, her incompetence causes me to get upset, getting a bonus in my paycheck causes me to be happy, etc. First off, these things are not true because they work from a false premise.

Let's look at the first chapter of Genesis. God is the creator of all (everything ... and I mean everything) and he declared all "very good." So everything in the universe was created (caused, if you will) by God, and the result (or effect) of the creation (causation) was good (no evil or negativity). God created and creates everything and made and makes it all good. So for every effect (creation), they lead back to just one cause (creator), God.

The false premise previously mentioned is that something other than God has the power to create or cause an effect on something else. In the first chapter of Genesis, it clearly states and infers that there is only one cause in the universe, and it's spiritual - not material. So if God creates all and is All, then anything not of God or created by God is nothing. As is stated in the Bible, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:3) Nothing was made without God, and nothing evil was made by God because He declared everything he had made "very good." And He created all in his image and likeness - that is, spiritual not material or mortal.

God is the only cause in the universe, and His only effect is good everywhere. Let's make sure we check our thought the next time we think something other than God can create or cause an effect on us or something else. It can't. That is assumed by the infinitude of God and His creation of ev-ery-thing in the universe, including man.

Keep watch on your cause-and-effect thought today. Recognize that the law of physics - the law of cause and effect - is scientific and can be practiced every day. Just know THE cause (God) and THE effect (good).

1 comment:

  1. Just curious...What is your explanation for Adam and Eve's disobedience and the fall, as Christian's call it? Adam and Eve were created perfect in God's image as was the serpent that lied to Adam and Eve to get them to disobey God. What is your explanation for the evil (which is HUGE considering they disobeyed the ALmighty God!) that occurred?


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